2018 The Grange Has Got Talent!

The Grange in Bookham held another talent show in June 2018 which welcomed their new CEO. They kindly shared the proceeds once again with Play In A Week.

Returning by popular demand over two dozen performers entertained and impressed a lively audience. Everyone had put in a lot of time, thought and energy into their acts. The audience thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment and everyone had a great evening.

Congratulations and thanks to all the performers who took part and help to raise money.  Thank you as well to all those who bought tickets, and supported the event so generously.

2018 Showtime Singalong

Singalong a success!

We’d like to send a massive thank you to two of our wonderful volunteers, Jess and Naomi.

Last year they came to us with an idea for a brand new fundraising event. They both sing in a local choir and suggested that they could bring the choir to the Nomad stage and hold a ‘Showtime Singalong’. We said “It’s a brilliant idea. Go for it.” and that’s exactly what they did!

The Duffers & Gruffers choir provided us with a wonderful evening’s entertainment.  Playing to a packed house they led a sing-a-long concert with songs from popular musicals, and a few comptemporary classics thrown in!  A mixture of community singing, brave solos and some lovely duet and four-part harmony songs made for a varied and enjoyable event.

It was great to see some of our Play In A Weeker participants join the choir for spotlight performances, complete with signing.  Special thanks to Jay Bristow and the Freewheelers music group for supporting them with preparation and rehearsals.

Very special thanks go to the Duffers & Gruffers choir for all of their hard work rehearsing and even self-funding the production of the song sheets and covering other associated costs. We really can’t say thank you enough for your support for our fundraising efforts.

Time after time members of the audience told us what a great evening they had had and hoped that we’d be able to tempt the choir back again next year!

The evening culminated in a true “Play In A Week” encore medley of songs which are part of our must-have daily warmup routine.

Roll on the summer…

2018 Waitrose Cobham

Waitrose in Cobham kindly included us in their “Community Matters” scheme in the month of February.

After they counted the green tokens in the collection bin we received the great fundraising news from them that our share of the £1000 total was a brilliant £230!

As well as a huge ‘thank you’ to  Waitrose and their “Community Matters” scheme, thanks must also go to everyone who has collected the green tokens which we dropped into the PIAW section of the collection box in store. Also, thanks go to the members of the general public who have visited Waitrose in Cobham and have put their token(s) into the PIAW collection box.

2018 Something For Everyone Quiz Night

A big thank you to everyone who came along to our 2018 Quiznight!

We had a full stage of visitors, some brand new to the theatre, fighting for the honour of becoming our 2018 champions. We had lots of laughs, fun & games, delicious food, tempting desserts, and lots of head scratching moments during the evening.

I’m sure everyone will be delighted to hear that after costs we raised around £850 which will go towards making this years Play In A Week very special indeed!

Thank you everyone!

2017 Something For Everyone Quiz Night

With rounds titled “What’s in the box?”, “Observation”, and “Sounds and music”, the enthusiastic crowd gathered around the packed tables in the Nomad Theatre were humorously challenged by the return of the truly inclusive, “Something for Everyone”, quiz night.

Knowledge of Play In A Week was an advantage to many of our participants and volunteer helpers, but a great time was had by all.

Special thanks must go to a local BUPA Care home for generously providing a lovely selection of deserts.

Our thanks again to everyone who came along and supported this fun event, who bought a raffle ticket or two and also donated raffle prizes.

We hope you enjoyed a thoroughly good evening and we look forward to seeing you at the next event.

2017 Waitrose Hersham

Waitrose in Hersham kindly included us in their “Community Matters” scheme in the month of February.

After they counted the green tokens in the collection bin we received the great fundraising news from them that our share of the £1000 total was a brilliant £270!

As well as a huge ‘thank you’ to  Waitrose and their “Community Matters” scheme, thanks must also go to everyone who has collected the green tokens which we dropped into the PIAW side of the collection box in store. Also, thanks go to the members of the general public who have visited Waitrose in Hersham and have put their token(s) into the PIAW collection box.

2016 Waitrose Dorking

Waitrose in Dorking kindly included us in their “Community Matters” scheme for November this year.

After they had counted all the green tokens in the collection bin we received the great fundraising news from them that our share of the £1000 total was a brilliant £236!

As well as a huge ‘thank you’ to Waitrose and their “Community Matters” scheme, thanks must also go to Jamie from The Grange in Bookham who made the application on behalf of Play In A Week.

2016 ‘What if…’ concert

An excellent, and rewarding, evening was spent rocking along to all the best tracks from 60’s onwards performed by the “What If..” band. It may have been grey and wet outside but the band made the sun shine inside the Nomad Theatre for the evening.

Our thanks go to the guys of the ‘What If…’ band, their army of enthusiastic fans, the Nomads ‘Tuesday crew’, and everyone who came along and enjoyed a fun filled evening of 60s, 70s and later music!

2016 Waitrose Worcester Park

Waitrose in Worcester Park kindly included us in their “Community Matters” scheme in June.

As well as a huge ‘thank you’ to  Waitrose and their “Community Matters” scheme, thanks must also go to everyone who has collected the green tokens which we dropped into the PIAW side of the collection box in store.

Also, thanks go to the members of the general public who have visited Waitrose in Worcester Park and have put their token(s) into the PIAW collection box.