2014 The Grange Has Got Talent!

June 2014 saw an amazing talent show being held at The Grange in Bookham, supporting Play In A Week.

A number of our regular participants live at, or use services at, The Grange, and so it was great to see them actively helping to raise money.  The audience were highly entertained with songs, dance routines, instrumental and magic acts! There was joyful cheering and lots of arm-waving and even some dancing in the aisles!

Congratulations and thanks to all the performers, who had obviously put in a lot of thought and practice into their performances.  Thanks also to the volunteers who helped behind the scenes with ticketing and with the raffle and drinks. 

This is a link to The Grange’s Facebook album of photos from this event.

2014 Cake and Plant Sale

There was glorious sunshine all afternoon in Worthing for the June cake and plant sale day.

Joslyn and Kim Arnold and their amazing team of helpers worked really hard leading up to this event by baking and decorating cakes and flapjack, and growing plants over several months to sell in aid of Play In A Week.

The people who came along and generously supported us by eating and buying all the produce also needed their sun cream, and a fabulous time was had by all.  A substantial donation to Play In A Week was the reward for all the hard work, and the generosity of the Worthing community!  Massive thanks to everyone involved.