2018 Cake and Plant Sale

It was a lovely day for Joslyn Arnold’s Cake and Plant Sale in Worthing. Lots of friends, family, and locals turned up to grab a bargain from the array of donated plants, flowers and veg on offer!

Once they had bought their horticultural goodies they then made a beeline for the delicious array of locally made cakes and biscuits.

A big thank you must go to everybody whose contributions resulted in another fantastically successful day.

Our special thanks go to Joslyn, Kim and Ciso, and their army of enthusiastic helpers, for running a fantastic, fun and fabulous fundraising day which put over £200 in the Play In A Week pot!

2018 The Grange Has Got Talent!

The Grange in Bookham held another talent show in June 2018 which welcomed their new CEO. They kindly shared the proceeds once again with Play In A Week.

Returning by popular demand over two dozen performers entertained and impressed a lively audience. Everyone had put in a lot of time, thought and energy into their acts. The audience thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment and everyone had a great evening.

Congratulations and thanks to all the performers who took part and help to raise money.  Thank you as well to all those who bought tickets, and supported the event so generously.