If you want to be a participant and perform in Play In A Week 2024, you MUST fill in all of this application form, AND pay your fees BY 15th July.

People wishing to be a volunteer helper must click on this link and use the Volunteer Application Form.

For practical reasons we are limiting the number of participants to 45 this year. Preference will be given to those who have previously participated in Play In A Week. If we are oversubscribed, we will start a waiting list and we will tell you if you are on it.

Please follow the instructions on this form, and contact us if you have any questions.

    2024 Participant Application Form

    You must be aged 18 years, or over, to take part in Play In A Week.

    I would like to take part in Play In A Week 2024 which runs from Monday 22th July to Sunday 28st July 2023.

    I am available on:
    (either tick "EVERY DAY" OR or just the days on which you will be coming)



    My Emergency Contact

    Please give us the name and telephone number of someone we can contact if you become unwell or in the event of an emergency during Play In A Week.


    Nomad Theatre Membership

    As a member of the Nomad Theatre, your £20 annual subscription fee entitles you to the following:

    • To receive the online edition of the monthly Nomad News newsletter.

    • To receive early circulation of the annual programme.

    • To receive an invitation to a reception to launch the new season of plays (where bookings for shows can be made).

    • You can attend General Meetings and vote on motions raised.

    • You may act in, direct or produce shows, subject to theatre rules and personal qualification/audition success.



    When we receive your application form, a place will be reserved for you to participate in Play In a Week 2024. To confirm your place, you need to pay the £80.00 fee.

    This fee is made up of a £80 "Show Fee", plus the £20 Nomad membership fee.

    (If you do not pay your fees on or before 15th July, your place will not be confirmed and it will be allocated to someone else if we are over-subscribed.)

    You can pay your fee by either of the following methods:

    • Online payment - Online payments should go to Barclays Bank plc Please use:
      Sort Code: 20-29-90   Account Number 13157601
      Please make sure you put the participant's last name and first initial in the "Reference box" so that we know who the money relates to.

    • Cheque - Please make your cheque payable to "The Nomads" and send it to us at:
      PIAW c/o Josh & Shannon Sadler, 31 Crossways  Crawley , West Sussex, RH10 1QT.

    If you cannot use either of these 2 payment options, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can arrange an alternative for you. Please do not send cash to us by post.


    I will pay my fee by:
    Online payment,Cheque


    Nomad Member Declaration and Consent

    I wish to become member of The Nomads for the year ending 31st July 2024 and I undertake to observe the Constitution, Rules and Regulations of the society.

    I agree that The Nomads may store and use my personal details on this form for
    communication and member management purposes, and may use photos and videos which
    are taken/made at Play In A Week for publicity and fundraising purposes.


    That's it - Now just press the button below and your form will be sent to us. Thank you!

    This Application Form is also available as a pdf document which you can print out, fill in, and post back to us with your application fee.

    Participant Application Form 2024