Ever since our first production way back in 1999 many, many, talented people have worked hard to make the Play In A Week magic happen. Here are just a few of those faces…
2022 The Producers and the Profesionals
The Producers
The buck stops here! We are the people who organise and run Play In A Week. We make all the plans, balance the books, arrange the logistics, think up and run the fundraising events, run the workshop days, commision the professionals, and a hundred and one other things!
All the Producers have given their time freely to PIAW simply because we love it!
The Professionals
These are the talented individuals that have the necessary skills and experience required to make the production possible. We need a Director that can direct a cast of up to 50 performers. A Musical Director who can custome write music and sound effects at the drop of a hat. A Choreographer to create and teach dance routines. In recent years we have also added a camera and video professional to the team. Their job is to record the entire event for us and help us create a DVD so that we can relive the week, and raise some much needed funds! Lastly, but certainly not leastly, we need a Playwright to take the ideas generated in our workshops and custom write a unique play for us.
Our amazing Volunteers
PIAW simply would not happen if it wasn’t for our amazing volunteers who bring so much enthusiasm and an enormous and diverse range of skills with them.