Inclusive theatre for adults
Play In A Week is an annual week-long fully inclusive project, which enables adult actors with learning and/or physical disabilities to enjoy the magic and benefits of participating in a theatre show and putting on public performances in a real theatre.
Play In A Week is held in the southeast of England and is now in its 24th year!
Starting on a Monday morning each July, between 40 and 50 enthusiastic and talented participants, a raft of volunteer helpers, along with a team of specialist professionals start work at the Nomad Theatre in East Horsley.
The actors work hard everyday throughout the week to rehearse, learning lines, songs and dance routines from scratch. There are no “limitations” on who can be an actor at Play In A Week. Everyone is welcome regardless of (dis)ability. All we require is that people come along with enthusiasm, energy and team spirit, and are able to attend every day in order to learn their parts and be an equal part of the Company.
We engage a small number of specialist professionals to make all this possible for our actors! An experienced Playwright is commissioned to write our play each year. It is unique because of the large number of cast members involved and the goal of ensuring that everyone has a worthwhile part to play in the production. We also aim to include ever popular song and dance numbers, so these must form part of the storyline all of which is written and tailored to suit us!
Our Director then manages and drives the week’s rehearsals; inspiring cast, crew and volunteers to stretch themselves, achieve personal goals, and form a cohesive and supportive team having lots of fun!
The Choreographer designs and teaches both dance and movement routines, and helps to direct physical movement around the stage.
The Musical Director composes, writes and teaches the company several songs each year, usually done completely from scratch. He is also a sound effects wizard who provides “mood” music to order and well as whatever other noises, bangs, crashes, and bizzare sounds the Director decides to throw into every scene of the show!
Off stage other participants, along with volunteers, can be found hard at work all over the theatre during the rehearsal week making costumes, constructing and finding props and scenery to order! They are also making magic happen in the technical box by planning the customised sound and lighting which gives the final production a professional finish. Surtitling is written to help improve communication which is delivered live during each performance.
Even as the daytime activity dies down and the actors leave the building everyday, there is still a hive of activity going on. With the stage clear and safe, large items of scenery and backdrops are painted and put in place, lighting rigs can be built, and even the stage floor itself is painted.
At the end the busy week, everything somehow comes together beautifully as the curtain rises on Saturday night, and a paying public audience get to see the results of everyone’s hard work. We have a Sunday matinee show too, and without fail everyone goes home at the end of it all totally elated and justifiably proud of their achievements.
Work then starts straight away for the team of organisers to kick off the year-long programme of planning and fundraising for next time.
Existential, philosophical, and yet entirely whimsical, join our cast on a mission to save Earth from the Planetary Ravaging Annihilation Termination Squad – the PRATs – after humanity has been deemed beyond redemption.
Following a pessimistic song by a possibly deranged museum curator, our terrestrial protagonists must find three great acts of human kindness to prove the aliens wrong and reignite faith in each other and themselves. Featuring music, laughs and profound thoughts, this out-of- this-world yet down-to-earth tale epitomises what it means to be a human and to create a world of kindness.
Written by our very own Joshua Sadler, the new cast and crew of Play in a Week 2023 started off with a bang! Writing, rehearsing, singing, directing, dancing, and finally performing all between 24th-30th July 2023. The production crew were overwhelmed with pride, and you can find the gallery for the week and performances here.
Please check back here over the coming months (or follow our Facebook page!) to find out all about the fundraising events we are planning to help us finance future production.