2015 The Grange Has Got Talent!

After the success of the 2014 event, The Grange in Bookham held another talent show in June 2015, sharing the proceeds once again with Play In A Week.

The event was very successful, with lots of performers clearly putting a lot of time, thought and energy into their acts.  The audience thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment and everyone had a great evening.

Congratulations and thanks to all the performers who took part and help to raise money.  Thank you as well to all those who bought tickets, and supported the event so generously.

2015 Waitrose Cobham

In June 2015, we were lucky enough to be selected by the Cobham branch of Waitrose as part of their Community Matters scheme for the month.

The magic green tokens were collected and put into our box in the store by lots of our supporters. Thanks to everyone who helped with this.

Helen & Geoff Arnold went along to pick up the donation cheque from the Waitrose team.

2015 Cake and Plant Sale

This year’s cake and plant sale in Worthing was another fantastically successful day.

As fast as the delicious homemade cakes and biscuits were laid out they were snapped up by the ever hungry crowd. Many cups of tea passed the lips of the visitors as they relaxed in the good weather and tried to decide which of the many plants on sale would look best in their gardens. There was a continuous supply of new plants as lots of the visitors brought plant donations with them and treated the event more like a “bring and buy”. Thanks to everyone who contributed that way too.

Many thanks go to Joslyn and Kim Arnold and their army of enthusiastic helpers for running a fantastic, fun and fabulous fundraising day which put hundreds of pounds in the Play In A Week pot!