Existential, philosophical, and yet entirely whimsical, join our cast on a mission to save Earth from the Planetary Ravaging Annihilation Termination Squad – the PRATs – after humanity has been deemed beyond redemption.
Following a pessimistic song by a possibly deranged museum curator, our terrestrial protagonists must find three great acts of human kindness to prove the aliens wrong and reignite faith in each other and themselves. Featuring music, laughs and profound thoughts, this out-of- this-world yet down-to-earth tale epitomises what it means to be a human and to create a world of kindness.
Written by our very own Joshua Sadler, the new cast and crew of Play in a Week 2023 started off with a bang! Writing, rehearsing, singing, directing, dancing, and finally performing all between 24th-30th July 2023. The production crew were overwhelmed with pride, and you can find the gallery for the week and performances here.