2018 Cake and Plant Sale

It was a lovely day for Joslyn Arnold’s Cake and Plant Sale in Worthing. Lots of friends, family, and locals turned up to grab a bargain from the array of donated plants, flowers and veg on offer!

Once they had bought their horticultural goodies they then made a beeline for the delicious array of locally made cakes and biscuits.

A big thank you must go to everybody whose contributions resulted in another fantastically successful day.

Our special thanks go to Joslyn, Kim and Ciso, and their army of enthusiastic helpers, for running a fantastic, fun and fabulous fundraising day which put over £200 in the Play In A Week pot!

2016 Cake and Plant Sale

The rain held off for Joslyn Arnold’s Cake and Plant Sale in Worthing, prompting a flood of locals eager to snap up a bargain and partake of the wonderful array of locally made cakes and biscuits.

Once again the plant side of the afternoon turned into a ‘bring & buy’ sale with visitors bringing trays of extra plants to help raise funds for three good causes including Play In A Week. A big thank you must go to everybody whos contributions resulted in another fantastically successful day.

Our thanks go to Joslyn and Kim, and their army of enthusiastic helpers, for running a fantastic, fun and fabulous fundraising day which has now put over £800 in the Play In A Week pot!

2015 Cake and Plant Sale

This year’s cake and plant sale in Worthing was another fantastically successful day.

As fast as the delicious homemade cakes and biscuits were laid out they were snapped up by the ever hungry crowd. Many cups of tea passed the lips of the visitors as they relaxed in the good weather and tried to decide which of the many plants on sale would look best in their gardens. There was a continuous supply of new plants as lots of the visitors brought plant donations with them and treated the event more like a “bring and buy”. Thanks to everyone who contributed that way too.

Many thanks go to Joslyn and Kim Arnold and their army of enthusiastic helpers for running a fantastic, fun and fabulous fundraising day which put hundreds of pounds in the Play In A Week pot!

2014 Cake and Plant Sale

There was glorious sunshine all afternoon in Worthing for the June cake and plant sale day.

Joslyn and Kim Arnold and their amazing team of helpers worked really hard leading up to this event by baking and decorating cakes and flapjack, and growing plants over several months to sell in aid of Play In A Week.

The people who came along and generously supported us by eating and buying all the produce also needed their sun cream, and a fabulous time was had by all.  A substantial donation to Play In A Week was the reward for all the hard work, and the generosity of the Worthing community!  Massive thanks to everyone involved.